Telling it as it is

As we enter a new era of the election of unothodox, non-traditional leaders with empty promises, who violate and circumvent established disclosure protocols as they prey on the desperations and deprivations of hoodwinked followers, we see this new brand of leaders criticizing the past, demonizing and alienating all forms of opposition (media and a former President included), and doing little that show signs of wanting to properly resolve issues by engagement and getting to the core of problems.

Ignorance of prejudice, can easily preclude commonsense and logic in the mind of elitist racists who confuse the innocent, financially challenged masses, leaving them stuck with less than they bargained for, after having fallen for and followed the plausible but false explanations and promises of politicians who discombobulate the truth and sugar-coat the lies.

For example, they mindlessly blame immigrants and minorities for the scarcity of better-paying jobs and the increases we see in violent crime rates around the nation. This they do, as if environmental factors (such as exposure to lead/gasoline), moral decay and degradation in American family life and society at large, along with inadequate mental health services, and the easy access and availability of guns without uniform gun-control laws, have little or nothing to do (correlationally and causally) with the problem of America’s violent crimes and homicide rates.

Of course, the scientific studies prove otherwise. Studies such as the CATO Institute’s which show that, with few exceptions, immigrants are less crime prone than natural-born citizens, or have no effect on crime rates. (See a link to the CATO Institute’s research paper at the end of this piece.)

It is common knowledge that a wide range of economic factors and conditions, ranging from severe, prolonged depression with high bankruptcy rates, often caused by loss of employment and major illnesses; to high unemployment (such as the Great Depressionof the 1930s and the recession of the 2000s up to 2012); as well as, to a breakdown in normal commerce caused by hyperinflation, or by greed and irresponsible fiscal mismanagement, accommodated by relaxed deregulation — can result in economic collapse and hardship. And when this happens, rather than take the blame for poor leadership, politicians tend to be the first to find someone to blame — and immigrants and minorities tend to be seen as the easiest targets who get hit on.

And certainly, when a non-traditional presidential candidate enters frontline politics and blames these same immigrants (as if America is no longer a land of immigrants) and minorities, he gets an easy pass, because he is seen as an outsider and a voice of change, although what he is doing is really no different from what all of his other elitist cronies have done in the past.

Now why did so many Americans whose lives depend on the existence of Obamacare legislation (the Affordable Care Act) — who based on their pre-existing conditions would never have been able to obtain health insurance but for Obamacare, decide to vote for Donald Trump, the man who blatently promised in his campaign, to immediately REPEAL AND REPLACE this Act, although it is simply only in need of modification/ amendment?

It stands to reason, that the mere fact that Republicans, including President Trump, are today saying that they would keep the most fundamental features of Obamacare (coverage of preexisting conditions and of children up to age 26), is proof that all that is required is amendment, NOT repeal. Even an elementary school-aged student can comprehend, analyse and appreciate this fact. I am especially astounded by the folks in the mining towns of middle America, who, but for the available guarantees of the coverage of Obama’s Affordable Care Act, would be on their death beds today, but yet voted for Donald Trump.

It’s amazing what prejudice can do to commonsense and logic. Instead of simply doing what’s practical, logical and simply needed (improve an imperfect piece of legislation to create more competition, increase options and lower premium costs), Republicans in the U S. Congress have decided that they would obliterate the Affordable Care Act, to ensure that one of the legacies of a man they dreaded, mostly because of his skin color, will have no life beyond the election of President Donald Trump.

But guess what? It is my reasoned opinion that Barack Obama’s legacies, the good as well as some of the not-so-good policies, will live on, regardless of the planned repeals and the rushed, irrational Executive Orders, because at the end of the day, truth can triumph, after all is said, done and seen.

Click here to read other commentary By Gerry Hopkin, JD


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