CMCFeature DOMINICA-Indigenous Kalinago is leading the way in making Dominica climate resilient.


ROSEAU, Dominica, CMC—Dominica aims to become the world’s first “climate-resilient” nation, and the indigenous Kalinago people are playing a leading role in developing the country and helping its people thrive in the face of the climate emergency.

Dominica, which lies in the Eastern Caribbean, is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events, exacerbated by the climate crisis: Hurricane Maria in 2017 was a devastating example, damaging almost all homes and buildings, destroying around three-quarters of the fishing fleet, and weakening the economy.

The indigenous Kalinago people were particularly affected, but since then, community leaders have been working with the United Nations to help their people become more resilient in anticipation of the next climate shock.
President of Dominica Sylvanie Burton and Carib Chief Lorenzo Sanford (UN Photo)

Ahead of the 2024 session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Conor Lennon from UN News met President Sylvanie Burton, who is also the island’s first Kalinago, and Lorenzo Sanford, the youngest-ever Chief of the Kalinago community, to find out how they plan to achieve their goal of making the island the world’s first “climate-resilient” nation, and why the young people of the community are central to the resurgence of the indigenous culture on the island.

“In the past, the same people were always elected as Chief. I wanted to make a difference and introduce the views of younger people,” said Sanford.

Asked what the older generations of the Kalinago community thought about such a young person being made Chief, President Burton said the Kalinago population is around 65 percent of young people, “so we wanted to allow our youth to make a difference.

“We rallied around Lorenzo, which gave him the authority needed to become chief.”

Sanford said he was on another part of the island when Hurricane Maria struck, having gone to “check on my family.

“There was no internet, no phone connection, and the roads were blocked, so the only way to return was on foot, using the traditional trails.

“When I came across the mountains, everything was brown; there was no greenery anymore. All you could see was destroyed homes and people looking lost, not knowing what to do.”

Burton said that she knew the island would take a direct hit before the hurricane arrived.

“So, we called an emergency council and decided to go to the homes of the elderly and take them to the shelters. By mid-afternoon, most vulnerable people had been taken to safety.

Then, the tropical storm started coming in.

“The sea was raging, and I could hear the wind roaring from the valley. The storm pounded us for hours and hours. I started praying and asked God why he was not answering our prayers. I was thankful that I was in a concrete structure, and I could only imagine what was happening to our people living in tiny wooden houses in the rest of the Kalinago Territory.

“The next day, after the storm had passed, we thought the sea was very close to our homes. It wasn’t, but it seemed that way because all the trees and the houses were gone.

It was a harrowing experience you wouldn’t want anyone to go through. It was a miracle that no one in our territory died.”

Sanford said that before the hurricane, most of the buildings were made of wood, but things have changed. Construction now is an art in the effort to make Dominica more resilient.

“Yes. In the Kalinago Territory, we have many different housing projects going on. We went into the community with the other agencies proposing to help to see how we could make more substantial houses that would still be built in a Kalinago style.

“We are also building a large multipurpose community shelter, but we want more people to feel safer in their homes the next time a tropical storm hits. ”

Burton acknowledges that gaining access to reliable information is crucial to saving lives, and “we’re working to get better information on the climate and get it out to the population before storms hit.

“We are also creating ICT (information communication technology) hubs across Dominica, where people can access information before the storms, take precautions, and get to a shelter ahead of time.”

She also addressed raising finance to address the consequences of the climate crisis, which she acknowledges is an issue for all Small Island Developing States (SIDS), not just Dominica.

“ At the UN climate conferences, the big polluting countries promise to give funds and reduce their carbon footprint. But these countries need to turn their promises into action.

“For example, after Hurricane Maria, the UN Secretary-General came to Dominica, and several countries made pledges to help. However, many of these pledges were not fulfilled, so we had to take out loans to ensure that we built a climate-resilient country.

“We are very thankful for the UN organizations assisting Dominica and the countries assisting, but it will take a little more. These big countries need to put their money where their mouth is,” the head of state added.

Sanford said that the Kalinago people have been on this island for more.

“I would say that it has helped us bounce back quickly. For example, our indigenous practices inform how we plant our food. So, we hope this knowledge will be passed on to younger generations so that we can safeguard our future, both within the Kalinago Territory and across the whole island,” he added.


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