NYC Health +Hospitals/ McKinney Celebrates Centenarians


By Freelance Journalist Tianna Famble

On April 20th, 2022, NYC Health +Hospitals/ McKinney Post-Acute Care Center hosted a centenarian event celebration.

It was quite an event for two Centenarians who are 104 years old. Lucille Watson and Carolyn Burton were born in 1918, three weeks apart. Both ladies were born in the south, Ms. Watson from Charleston, South Carolina, and Ms. Burton from Asheville, North Carolina.

Both residents now reside at McKinney, ironically a tranquil home named in honor of the late Dr. Susan Smith McKinney, located on Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.

The lovely Centenarians were beautifully dressed, draped in Red Capes, Golden Crowns, and Black satin sashes. They were escorted into their celebration, which included their families, guest NY State Senator Zellnor Myrie, and the staff of McKinney.

The afternoon was punctuated with McKinney’s standard of excellence as they showered these ladies’ love and respect through the extravagant outpouring of so much love and well wishes. One of the main highlights of the afternoon featured a fun video hosted by April Ann James, Director of Rehabilitation. The ladies reminisced about their lives and added some secrets to their longevity. Ms. Burton expresses her thoughts about her love of food (chicken), especially her mother’s, while Ms. Watson shared memories of her childhood being in church with her mother and listening to her singing in the choir. It did not stop there; to top off the afternoon, each was presented a Centenarian Star Award plaque from David Weinstein, CEO OF McKinney, beautiful burgundy plush pillows engraved in Gold from the McKinney family, along with Proclamations from Congresswoman Yvette D Clark, and Senator Zellnor Myrie.

After all that, it was time to sing Happy Birthday, flutes filled with apple cider, and as the in-house deejay played a Happy Birthday song, Ms. Watson began dancing in her wheelchair. Everyone lifted their glasses and saluted them as the CEO assisted with the cutting of their beautifully decorated individualized birthday cakes.

This celebration was not just another day in the lives of the two 104 years old; it was a heartwarming experience to see them both socializing with their families’ guests and staff. The afternoon showcased the McKinney spirit and ICARE values of Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence.

McKinney does not do simple; they do classy.


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