By Carlyle Harry
The Guyana American Patriotic Movement held a public Discourse last Sunday afternoon, in order to share information on the Government’s Executive-Order pertaining to Immigration. The forum was co-sponsored by Congresswoman- Yvette Clarke and Councilman- Jumanie Williams.
In her address to the well-attended gathering, Congress-Woman, Clarke expressed her concerns with the fears that had overtaken Brooklyn communities, since details of the (Immigration) Executive-Order were released.
Ms.Clarke explained that while it was crucial to mount resistance and protest actions; her office, and the offices of other elected-Officials had established Information Divisions in order to offer advice and assistance to residents who might be vulnerable.
The Congress-Woman who represents the ninth Congressional District also encouraged Green-Card holders to apply for their citizenship. She provided data on Agencies that were assisting persons to pursue citizenship applications.
Ms. Clarke also reported on the cultural dislocations that deportees were experiencing when they were sent back to their countries of origin.
In closing, Ms.Clarke reminded attendees at the Discourse that was held at the St. Stephen’s church on East 29th. Street that they needed to counsel their children around the commission of frivolous crimes. She went on urge personnel to become engaged and involved in protesting against unfriendly actions and legislation that were being introduced and legislated by the current Administration. Meanwhile, Congress Woman Clarke will be holding a Town Hall meeting in early April, in order to address Immigration and other issues.
The other principal Presenter at the Discourse which was chaired by Michael Campbell and Guliana Jacobs, was Attorney- at-Law, Colin Moore, who is the President of the GAPF.
Attorney Moore who was aided by a three-person skit, demonstrated the rights that persons had against illegal interventions from ICE, as well as the steps that had to be taken in order to prevent exploitation from scam-artists.
He reiterated the veil of fear and suspicion that the contents of the Executive-Order had spread over the American society; as well as the variety of discomforts that detainees were facing.
Those discomforts included family dislocations and relocations to detention-centers which are far from their homes.
Mr. Moore concluded his presentation by informing the audience about the breadth of advice and assistance that were available. The forum concluded with a lively question and answer period, and there were Legal experts on hand to respond to the questions and comments that were posed.
In moving the Vote of Thanks, GAPF’s executive-member,Derrick Arjune urged attendees to keep abreast of the growing streams of information that were being made available.