Firing up America


Dear Editor,
There is a lot to not like about Donald Trump.
He has done many silly, thoughtless and profane things in his short tenure as President.
But there is one thing he has done, that none of the past several Presidents have done.
Because of the amateurish and convoluted policies that he has trotted out so far, he has initiated a groundswell of emotion and activism in the U.S., which is unlike anything that we’ve seen in a long time.
People are no longer casual bystanders, we are now making our democracy a living, breathing thing.
We are now making our elected officials fulfill their campaign promises or modify them to suit the needs of their constituents.
Trump has taught us through his divisive approach, that the opinions and needs of the people count, especially when our right to decide is taken away from us.
So, I say thank you Donald Trump, for the opportunity to rebirth democracy in the United States.
We will continue to do what we are now doing, and we will get what we want and deserve.
— Richard Glehan


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