Debbie Wilson-Berment, also known in the culinary world as Chef Sagajo, discovered her passion for cooking at a young age in Trinidad and Tobago. Growing up, she assisted her mother, Alma, an esteemed and decorated chef, in preparing meals for their family and her mother’s catering clientele. By 16, Chef Sagajo had already begun to earn her clients, particularly renowned for the exquisite special occasion cakes she crafted.
Her debut cookbook, “THE SAGAJO EXPERIENCE: Recipes for Lifestyle & Entertaining,” published by Virago Global Publishing on February 14, 2024, ventures beyond the traditional cookbook scope. Chef Sagajo introduces readers to crafting experiences rather than mere meals, a philosophy nurtured by her mother. The book is filled with pages of accessible yet sophisticated recipes. Moreover, Chef Sagajo’s advice transcends culinary techniques, covering aspects like the ambiance, dining aesthetics, and the company of loved ones, which are integral to memorable dining experiences.
This comprehensive guide provides numerous menu ideas for gatherings, from casual family dinners to grand celebratory feasts featuring dishes like beef brisket and whole-roasted red snapper. Additionally, it includes guidance on food and wine pairings and a comprehensive pantry list to assist home cooks of all skill levels. The book is enriched with stunning photographs that showcase not only the food but also the community of family and friends that Chef Sagajo cherishes, including her husband, grandchildren, and three children, Sasha, Gabrielle, and Jonathan, whose names form the acronym and brand Sagajo.
Embarking on a successful culinary career, Chef Sagajo combines her Caribbean heritage with the Mediterranean influences she absorbed during her formal culinary education in the United States. Her cookbook aims to inspire others to celebrate life through food and companionship, embodying her belief that life is to be savored and celebrated.
“THE SAGAJO EXPERIENCE” by Debbie Wilson-Berment is available for purchase, offering readers a journey through the delightful fusion of Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisines, priced at $44.95 for 122 pages, with the ISBNs 9769686654 and 978-9769686656.