What goes around, comes around


In lay man’s language, after the torments that visa-holders/arrivals to American airports had to go through after the announcement of the President’s Executive Order on Immigration on January 27th;–we might term the legal encounters that Government representatives (themselves) had to endure as”what goes around comes around”…or as journalists, columnists, and (sophisticated) analysts and commentators label it”circular-firing”.

Let us sort of examine what I am talking about–Immigration normally regulates ENTRIES(in) to and EXITS(out) of a country, and given the headaches and heartaches that entrants and potential entrants to the U.S. had/ are experiencing during the days immediately following January 27 when the Immigration-Order was signed, ..several might now be overtly or covertly gloating, at seeing Government Officials (themselves) being dragged before the Courts, and being made to face their own trails and tribulations, as they seek to defend their writings and their actions. {what goes around comes around}.

I believe that just as how the masses (both locally and overseas) were/are upset and frustrated over the contents and implementation(s) of that Order– similar bouts of anger and frustration might have invaded the White House over the protests and legal actions that are occurring as backlashes to that Order…{what goes around! comes around}.

Perhaps, even more annoying for the Government Representatives, is that the Courts have been ruling against them…May be laying the ground work for further protracted legal combats….Especially now that the ninth Circuit has also ruled against the Executive- Order on 2.8.17.

The ninth circuit’s ruling against the Order, forces the relevant Administrative Departments to figure out appropriate legal responses.

THE RUSH–the old saying goes”Stricter the Government, WISER, the population”….So, what we are witnessing now, is various categories of visa-holders using the (interim) reversal of the Order, to rush into the U.S., while those already here are being warned not to leave the country.

Recently, Florida Immigration Attorney–Dahlia Walker-Huntington in an address to an Immigration forum at Family Episcopal church in Miami Gardens, Florida, ‘warned Caribbean Nationals with Green cards who have been charged with a crime in the U.S., to postpone overseas travel’.

The Government(which has broad powers, and advantages) might end up winning this legal war, but at least the ordinary people and their legal Representatives can take pride and satisfaction that they have won some of the initial legal battles.

{Again, because this might turn out to be a long drawn-out legal battle, spectators and commentators enjoy the competition}.

President Trump in a tweet on a first ruling against the Order, by lifetime Judge James Robart, described the latter as a “so called Judge”

It has been reported that Mr.Trump’s Supreme-Court Nominee–Neil Gorsuch went on to describe the President’s characterization of Judge Robart as “disheartening”

Journalist-Rich Lowry described that characterization of Judge Robart as”needlessly insulting and counter productive”’ The irony around the President’s criticism of Judge Robart, is that the latter was a nominee of President George W.Bush, and he was confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

When President Trump signed that executive-order on Friday afternoon, January 27th.,amidst flashing cameras, I along with millions others from around America and the Globe, never imagined that the contents of that order, would have borne such serious (immediate) and follow-up effects and repercussions to Green-Card and various visa holders.

We did not realize that it was a ‘calm before a storm’ in terms of resistance, interactions and reactions, as well as spontaneous National and Global protests.

ADMISSION,– I have to admit that the flood of Executive- Orders, and the interactions and reactions that follow them are disrupting my writing-schedules, as well as my anticipated sequence.

They are also supplying constant flows of material to lots of media outlets; as well as topics for late night shows’ monologues, and of course renewed popularity for Saturday Night- Live. Finally, it is being reported that the President’s Executive- Orders have provided ample fund raising opportunities opportunities for the Democratic Party, its elected officials, and potential (2018) political candidates; as well Legal-Aid Entities. In other words, that Order infected the airport, it affected the courts, it slowed down the refugees, it is producing detainees, We have found that what goes around comes around.


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