The rarity of Barbara Bush

Photo courtesy Wikipedia:Missouri Governor John Ashcroft and First Lady Barbara Bush with a Ferguson-Florissant “Parents as Teachers” group in October 1991. Mrs. Bush (in rocking chair) is reading Brown Bear Brown Bear to the children.

Readers, (i).. How often does one come across a woman who was the wife of a former U.S. President;

(ii).. How often does one come across a woman who was also the mother of a former U.S.President;

(iii).. How often does one come across a woman who was also a former Governor of the State of Florida;

(iv).. How often does one come across a woman who was realistic enough to refuse the best possible Medical care and attention, and opt to go to her home and await her departure; and(v)..

How often does one read about a woman who participated in the planning of her own funeral arrangements–approximately four weeks before she died….In choosing the hymns to be sung during her funeral, Barbara Bush chose songs that would not “make people cry”.

–It is for those principal reasons (above) coupled with her examples of living that compelled me to pen this piece.

Barbara Bush passed at the age of 92, encircled by family members and close friends. Born Barbara Pierce, Barbara got married to George H.W. Bush in 1945 when he was still a Navy pilot.

Barbara Bush who hailed from Maine was forced to spend time in New Haven as a young married woman as her husband was finishing up at Yale University…. While there, she- at the age of 20, gave birth to George W–who would become a future U.S.President.

After the husband’s graduation from Yale, they left the East Coast and settled in dusty Odessa, Texas…Four years after that Barbara’s hair turned white as she cared for the daughter-Robin who later died from Lukemia. –From that time, Barbara Kept her hair white.

The Funeral Service that was held on Saturday 4.21.18 for former First-Lady, Barbara Bush in Houston, Texas marked the definite passing of an era, and a way of life…The funeral was attended by several former Presidents and First-Ladies.

** The relays of compliments and praises for a simple and selfless human being were unmatched.– A heroine who had the rare opportunity and good fortune to be married to a former U.S. President; to be the mother of a former U.S. President; and to be the mother of the Governor of the State of Florida.

Barbara Bush will go down in History for her display of bravery in deciding not to seek any further Medical attention, but instead opting to die in the comfort of her home, among her family members and close family friends.

In part of his eulogy around Mrs.Bush, Historian and Author- John Meacham stated”the Bushes put country over Partry; the common good above political gain; and service to others above the settling of scores.”

Mrs.Bush’s public-spiritedness, simplicity, flexibility and willingness to freely deal with the common man and woman are deserving of special mention, because she could have chosen to cling to more sophisticated and pedigreed linkages that surrounded her, and sought to associate with her.

Mrs. Bush stood up for manners and discipline which earned her the label of “Enforcer” among her family members. Widower George H Bush often remarked at the manner in which “Barbara will pull up President-George W., and Governor-Jeb(while they were in Office, stressing you were not brought up like that”.

The former President added” she was a formidable person, and her formidable nature was forged over time as a result of the adulthood that she seized and embraced.”

When George H lost to Bill Clinton in 1992, instead of expressing anger, Barbara Bush noted that “it was a shame that her husband could not hold on to a part-time job”.

She however pointed out that that defeat would have allowed her husband to stay at home and spend quality time with his family.

** After learning that Bill Clinton had come from a home where his step-father was abusive, Barbara Bush reached out to him, and befriended him. ** In summary, Barbara Bush died on Tuesday, 4/17/18 at the age of 92… with her husband of 73 years holding her hand as she exited this life.

Barbara was laid to rest on Saturday- 4/21/18 at her husband’s Presidential library in Texas. At a Maine memorial on 4/23 Diane Denk one of the organizers said”Barbara was just a real person, a real stand-up lady, and she was very philanthropic. In other words: The female veteran wasn’t a partisan, Not favoring Democrat over Republican, while living in Washington. Barbara has left several lessons for future Generations.


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