HAITI- Haitian Prime Minister resigns as new government takes shape

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, CMC—In a testament to the country's democratic process, the Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, officially resigned on Thursday as a transitional government was sworn in, paving the way for a new leader, Michael Patrick Boisvert, to assume the role of the country's interim president.

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, CMC—In a testament to the country’s democratic process, the Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, officially resigned on Thursday as a transitional government was sworn in, paving the way for a new leader, Michael Patrick Boisvert, to assume the role of the country’s interim president.

Henry announced the resignation in two letters to his Cabinet late Wednesday.

His resignation was made public on Thursday morning ahead of the swearing-in of the transitional government.

Boisvert, who will work with a nine-member transitional presidential council, will attempt to quell the gang-fueled turmoil that has taken over Port-au-Prince.

Boisvert became Haiti’s Haitian minister of economy and finance in 2020. He was the director of tax inspection in the country from 2010 to 2018 before he became director of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. 

Henry said he would officially resign in March once a transitional government was established.

The long-awaited installation of the presidential transition council, which will assume control from Henry, has been a complex process, reflecting the intense behind-the-scenes negotiations among various political factions. This step is crucial in the country’s path toward stability.

The establishment of the council is seen as a critical first step toward ending the chaos that has engulfed the French-speaking Caribbean Community ( CARICOM) member state, primarily blamed on rival gangs fighting over turf across the country.


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