GRENADA-INTEGRITY-Integrity Commission says no law was breached as gifts were returned.


ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, The Integrity Commission (IC) says there is no need to trigger the Gift Registry system after the chair of the Citizen by Investment (CBI) Committee, Richard Duncan, confirmed that gifts including EC$10,000 (One EC dollar=US$0.37 cents) had been sent to him by the Hartman Group Limited last month.

In a statement, the IC said it “acknowledges that a fulsome report” was received from Duncan regarding the gifts sent to him and other “office bearers.”

“The Commission was duly informed that the CBI Chair returned the gifts in exercising his discretion, guided by the Integrity In Public Life legislation and internal policies. There was, therefore, no need to trigger the Commission’s Gift Registry system at this time,” the Commission said.

Earlier, the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Unit reported that it had received a gift sent by the Hartman Hotel Development Ltd, which is involved in the CBI-approved Hartman University Town and Resort project on the island.

Under the CBI program here, foreign investors are granted citizenship in return for making a significant contribution to the island’s socio-economic development.

“The value of …the items is incongruent with the Grenada Citizenship Investment Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Policy. Therefore these items cannot be accepted. Additionally, as stewards of the business trust, we are sensitive to ensure adherence to the Integrity in Public Life Regulations as well as the Prevention of Corruption regulations, as it relates to gifting,” the CBI Unit added.

The IC said it was taking the opportunity “to remind all persons who fall within the definition of public officers and officials, as well as the private and development sectors of Grenada, of the requirements of the Integrity laws of Grenada, specifically the refusal and acceptance of gifts.”

According to the Commission, “a person in public life shall not accept any gift or reward from any person as an inducement for any official act to be done by him or her; or a reward for any official act done by him or her.” (Integrity in Public Life Act Section 45 subsection 1(a) and (b)).

The legislation also notes that “where a person in public life accepts a gift or a reward in the circumstances specified in subsection (2)(b), he or she shall make a report to the Commission of that fact in the prescribed manner within seven days of the receipt of the gift.” (Integrity in Public Life Act Section 45 subsection 3)”.

It said gifts over EC$500 must be handed over to the Accountant General for the decision of the Commission and Accountant General.


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