TRINIDAD-Police Commissioner confirms an investigation launched into an incident involving a police officer.


PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher, Friday said that an investigation has been launched into a video being circulated on social media in which a police officer can be heard dismissing a man querying the whereabouts of the police following a robbery at his home.

The 40-second audio clip of the apparent interaction between the officer at the St Joseph Police Station, east of here, and the unidentified man started with the man saying his wife called E-999 two hours earlier about a home robbery. It was told the emergency service would contact the station on their behalf.

He says no one has called him or his wife since.

But in the interaction, the female police officer could be heard asking the man if he knew where the police station was rather than just sitting at home waiting for the police to arrive.

“Do you know where St Joseph Station is? So why all yuh doh come in and make a formal report?” the female police officer said; at this point, the man replied, “Thank you, ma’am.”

In a statement, the Police Commissioner said she wanted to “apologize to the victim in the matter” and “assure the public that every effort will be made to prevent a recurrence of such an incident.”

Harewood-Christopher said that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) has been investing substantially in improving its service delivery to the public “and strongly condemns any instance of poor customer service by police officers during the conduct of their duties.”

She warned that any instance of poor customer service would be deemed unacceptable and not condoned by the TTPS.

“The TTPS strives for professionalism in all areas of its operations and, in that regard, will continue to provide ongoing customer service training to all officers to ensure members of the public receive service of the highest quality.

“The public is advised that senior officers at all police stations are responsible for ensuring that all reports made, whether by telephone or in person, are accurately and immediately recorded and that officers take prompt action where necessary.”

She said members of the public who are not satisfied that this protocol is being followed are advised to seek an audience with the officer in charge of the station immediately.


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