TRINIDAD-Body of the former prime minister due in Trinidad on Wednesday


PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – The body of former prime minister Basdeo Panday is due here on Wednesday night from Florida in the United States as the country prepares for a state funeral for the 90-year-old politician, attorney, actor, and trade unionist, who died at a hospital in the United States on Monday.

“As we grieve and celebrate the incredible life of our loving husband and father, Basdeo Panday, we would like to share that we, along with him, are returning home to Trinidad and Tobago, the country and people he loves so much, this evening,” his daughter, Mickela Panday said in a post on her Facebook page.

“We are working on funeral arrangements and will share with you the details in the coming days,” she added.

The government has already ordered that the national flag be flown at half mast and that a State funeral be held for Panday, who served as the country’s fifth prime minister from 1995 to 2001.

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley said that the Panday family has accepted the government’s offer of a State funeral, which will be the first to be conducted under Hindu rites.

Panday was the first Hindu and person of Indian descent to hold the prime minister’s office.

The date for the funeral is yet to be announced.

Meanwhile, tributes continued for Panday, with the country’s two major business private sector bodies joining other organizations and groups in paying respect to the former prime minister.

“Mr. Panday, a formidable figure in our nation’s history, has left an indelible mark. From his early days in the labor movement to becoming the fifth Prime Minister in 1995, he passionately fought for causes he believed in, leaving a legacy that transcends political boundaries,” the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce (TTCIC) said in a statement.

“His advocacy for constitutional reform, commitment to industrial peace, and initiatives in education, ensuring secondary school access and promoting tertiary education showcase his far-reaching influence.

“His legacy as a statesman and patriot for Trinidad and Tobago will long be remembered,” the statement added.

The American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago (AMCHAM T&T) said Panday “has indeed left an indelible mark on our country.

“As a politician, although the relationships weren’t always smooth, he maintained a broadly business-friendly posture while attempting to link economic growth with social development, probably most notably through widening access to education.

“While his passing is indeed a loss for our nation, his lasting legacy will continue to leave its mark on many generations to come who will, no doubt, study, debate, and build on his work of advocating for inclusivity and the creation of a more just society for all,” it added.


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