The government blames parliamentary procedure for the nonpayment of constituency allowance.


ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC -The Grenada government blamed “parliamentary procedure” Wednesday for the delay in making EC$10,000 constituency allowances to opposition legislators announced during the budget presentation last December.

“I am hearing about the EC$10,000 constituency allowance given to us. The Parliament is still in the process of completing all the documents, so even we as government MPs have not gotten anything yet,” Acting Prime Minister Andy Williams said on a radio program.

“We will get it because the Parliament is doing it; it is the first time it is being done,” said Williams regarding the measure that Finance Minister Dennis Cornwall had announced during the presentation of the 2024 national budget.

Last week, opposition legislators said they had not yet received the monthly constituency allowance from Parliament nor a special EC$10,000 Independence beautification allowance from the National Organizing Committee regarding the island’s 50th anniversary of political independence from Britain.


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