HAITI-Media organization welcomes the appointment of a new justice minister.


PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, CMC—The Haitian-based media organization SOS Journalists has welcomed Carlos Hercule’s appointment as Minister of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) and is urging him to do everything within his powers to advance cases of murdered journalists that have not been fully pursued within the justice system.

In an open letter to Hercule, who was one of 12 new members of Cabinet sworn into office on Wednesday, as Haiti continues the efforts to restore peace and security in the French-speaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country, SOS Journalists reminded him of their failed efforts in the past to get the authorities to investigate cases involving injuries or death to media workers appropriately.

SOS Journalistes has made particular reference to a senior justice official, who it said had played a role in releasing a person “renowned for being the perpetrator” of crimes against journalists.

“And in addition, for many months, he confiscated the file, which he had never wanted to return to the investigating judge at the time, Robert Jourdain, for legal action,” the SOS Journalistes wrote in their open letter.

It claimed that it was only last month that the file was sent to “the dean of the court who effectively entrusted it, on May 16, 2024, to judge Jean Michelet Séide, newly appointed as replacement of magistrate Jourdain”.

The SOS Journalists said that the senior justice official “decided without justification to transfer to Carrefour, the prisoner Pierre Ricardo “Chito” Bain who spoke openly about the central role” played by the justice official “in the assassination” of a journalist.

SOS Journalists said it was urging the Justice Minister “with the agreement of Prime Minister Garry Conille,” to dismiss the senior justice official whom it said “must be placed at the disposal of a judge so that he can answer questions relating to the horrific murder of journalist Garry Tesse.”


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