Government to construct 500 new prefab houses


ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC—Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell says the government will construct 500 prefabricated houses under a plan to significantly reduce the cost of housing in Grenada.

Mitchell, speaking at a town hall meeting as part of the activities marking the second anniversary of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), said that currently, a simple two—or three-bedroom home costs an estimated EC$250,000 or EC$300,000 (One Ec dollar = US$0.37 cents).

He said that the Housing Authority, in collaboration with six contractors, will be responsible for building sample houses. Potential homeowners will have the opportunity to inspect these houses before making their final selection, ensuring transparency and consumer satisfaction.

“What we are hoping to do with these contractors is to use modern technology that can allow us to do prefab houses, that is, houses that are built or manufactured as much as possible in factories, and then you are installing the homes,” he told the meeting.

“We will be building the foundations, but you are installing the homes, plumbing, the electricity, and the other amenities. What that should allow is for more rapid installation of the homes in a shorter space of time, where you can do a lot of houses quickly and hopefully cheaply,” Mitchell said, without disclosing the estimated cost of the prefab homes.

But he said that the houses will be built on both public and privately owned lands, demonstrating our commitment to providing housing solutions for all citizens.

“It will not only be a situation where the government building on government lands because the government does not have a lot of land, but it will include government land, where you may have a large site where you can develop a village,” Mitchell said.

“Or it could be a private person who has ten, eight, nine acres and wants to make his land available as part of the project, Or it could be an individual who has an individual lot, and we will be able to work with them to get a house built on the lot,” he added.

“The current house repair program is not sustainable, and in the long run, it is not truly sustainably improving the housing stock,” the Prime Minister added.


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