UPDATE-ST. LUCIA-Government warns of plans to undermine St. Lucia-US relationship.


CASTRIES, St. Lucia, CMC –The main opposition United Workers Party (UWP) Friday dismissed as the Government’s “usual attempt to deflect attention away from their incompetence and maladministration” allegations that there are efforts to undermine the deepening relationship between St. Lucia and the United States.

In a statement, the UWP said that the Government of Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre has “yet again resorted to blaming the UWP instead of taking responsibility for their poor governance and ill-conceived policies.

“This time, the SLP (St. Lucia Labour Party) has falsely accused the UWP of trying to undermine their diplomatic relations with the United States while taking no responsibility for several questionable decisions taken on their part.

“Several of these policies have raised red flags with some of our most trusted diplomatic allies, and the Prime Minister needs to reverse these plans before it is too late,” the UWP added.

The St. Lucia government had denounced what it said were efforts to undermine the deepening relationship with the United States, noting that “the gains to be realized from this friendship should not be allowed to be eroded by the malicious and callous publications operated by clandestine operatives.”

In a statement, the Office of the Prime Minister said that together with the Ministry of External Affairs, it had taken note of “the increased and outlandish falsehoods being shared on social media by destructive and adversarial agents of the UWP and UnitedPac Saint Lucia and continue to caution against these unsubstantiated and blatantly false claims.”

The statement said that in recent years, St. Lucia has sought to strengthen its relationship with the United States and that Prime Minister Pierre has “facilitated frank, yet cordial dialogue between the two nations which aims to increase our cooperation in trade, security, and travel.

“These areas of collaboration are envisaged to impact the lives and livelihoods of all St. Lucians in meaningful and sustainable ways,” the statement said, adding, “we note in particular the use of targeted propaganda attempting to undermine the diplomatic relations which the Government is pursuing to benefit the citizens of this country.

“The gains to be realized from this friendship should not be allowed to be eroded by the malicious and callous publications operated by covert operatives. St. Lucians are urged to guard against the consumption and sharing of such malicious content as it seeks to undermine its subjects and the perception of all Saint Lucians to the region and the rest of the world.”

But in a statement, UnitedPac Saint Lucia, which describes itself as a “Super Action Committee group (SuperPAC) whose philosophies and ideologies are in line with conservative values,” said that it is “ lamentable” that the Government is “resorting to imprecise and unspecific accusations regarding the dissemination of supposed “outlandish falsehoods” on social media.

“The inhabitants of St. Lucia are entitled to the transparency and clarity of the matters that bear upon their nation and its diplomatic connections. To impugn the messenger without disclosing the message only engenders confusion and deludes the masses.

“The utilization of terminology such as “destructive and adversarial agents” and “clandestine operatives” is a mere ploy to engender doubt and suspicion without presenting tangible proof or information,” the statement said, adding that St. Lucians “have the inalienable right to ascertain the veracity and to make informed choices, and such vague allegations do nothing to further this objective.”

In its statement, the UWP, which was removed from Government after suffering defeat in the July 26, 2021, general election, noted that upon assuming office, Prime Minister Pierre had appointed to the cabinet a person whom the SLP when in opposition had “made specific and damning allegations against, including the filing of formal complaints to these very allies.”

It said that the campaign was so successful that it led to the US revoking the personal and diplomatic visa of the individual and that the situation is “further compounded” given that allegations have now surfaced regarding the individual’s “potential abuse of diplomatic privileges extended to him by the US government” while using a one entry visa to attend the United Nations in New York last year.

The opposition party said further that the Pierre administration, “against the advice and practice of many countries,” has decided to resume “selling St. Lucian citizenship to Russians and Iranians” under the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CBI) in return for substantial investment in the socio-economic development of the island.

“This decision would worry our American and European friends given the tough policies currently in place against Russia and Iran,” the UWP said, calling on the Government to provide a “comprehensive update” to the nation on the CBI program and the Cabinet minister.


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