UNITED STATES-PM Drew says the new hospital will be a hub for medical treatment in the Caribbean region

UNITED STATES-PM Drew says the new hospital will be a hub for medical treatment in the Caribbean region
Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) Commencement Ceremony

Miami, CMC- St. Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew says the new JNF General Hospital in his twin island Federation will be a cornerstone of his administration’s vision to position the country as a hub of medical excellence within the Caribbean region.

Addressing the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) Commencement Ceremony on Friday, Prime Minister Drew, a medical practitioner, said the government recently held a signing ceremony paving the way for the start of the new climate innovative hospital.

“This groundbreaking project heralds a new era of healthcare excellence in St. Kitts and Nevis, one that will not only be resilient in the face of climate change but also equipped with cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest standards of medical care for our people,” he told the 384 graduates of the Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program, the 18 graduates from the various graduate programs, “and those achieving the remarkable feat of dual-degree DVM/MSc.”

“The decision to construct a climate-smart hospital underscores our unwavering commitment to safeguarding the Health and well-being of our citizens and visitors against the inevitable challenges posed by climate change.

“By incorporating sustainable design principles and innovative technologies, this hospital will serve as a beacon of resilience, capable of withstanding the most severe weather events while providing uninterrupted medical services to those in need,” Drew added.

He said the hospital’s new strategic location between the University of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Ross University of Veterinary Medicine is no coincidence.

“By fostering collaboration and synergy between healthcare professionals, researchers, and educators, we aim to establish a health city under our One Health initiative. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, we can address complex global challenges and ensure a healthier, more resilient future for future generations.”

Prime Minister Drew said the One Health partnership between the government and RUSVM is a beacon of collaborative excellence in addressing complex health challenges. “Anchored in the principles of interdisciplinary cooperation, the partnership recognizes the intricate connections between human, animal, and environmental Health. RUSVM’s commitment to One Health is evident through its robust research centers, dedicated to unraveling the complexities of zoonotic diseases and ecosystem health.”

He said the memorandum of understanding signed in November last year solidifies the partnership, fostering an environment of shared responsibility and mutual support. “Through initiatives like the Small Ruminant Breeding Project and the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree Scholarship program, tangible efforts are made to enhance livestock quality, bolster local agriculture, and nurture the next generation of veterinary professionals.”

Prime Minister Drew, in his address, spoke of Ross University’s “significant contributions” to information technology (IT) in education nationally, with the establishment of 11 labs so far.

“In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, proficiency in information technology is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Ross University has empowered our youth to explore new horizons, unlock their potential, and seize 21st-century opportunities by providing access to IT facilities and resources.

” These IT labs serve as incubators of innovation, where students can cultivate their creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills. From coding and programming to digital literacy and cybersecurity, the curriculum offered in these labs prepares our youth for the diverse challenges and opportunities of the digital world.

” By investing in our young people and empowering them with the tools they need to succeed, we are laying the foundation for a brighter, more prosperous future for future generations. For this, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to Ross University and look forward to continued collaboration in advancing IT education and digital literacy in St. Kitts and Nevis,” Prime Minister Drew added.


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