by Anthony Beckford – Community Leader & Candidate to the 45th Council District
Our city is going through so many issues and struggles during this pandemic, especially in the 45th City Council District which consists of Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood, Marine Park, Flatlands and Kensington. The issues within the 45th District existed pre-Covid. Some politicians took it upon themselves to turn a blind eye and used feel good optics to make us complacent to what is really going on, and others chose to sell us out without a second thought. This is why so many in our community do not have hope in the political process. So many have become disenfranchised by the establishment. This is where I come in. I have always caused what Former Congressman and Civil Rights Activist John Lewis called, “The Good Trouble”. I have been vocal and active against the corruption and lack of representation in politics. Like the late honorable Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, I am “Unbought and Unbossed”.
Who am I? My name is Anthony Beckford. I am a Single Father, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, Organizer, your friend and your neighbor. I am a Housing Advocate, a Former UFT Member, current Freelancers Union Member and the President of Black Lives Matter Brooklyn. I am the son of Afro-Carib Immigrant Parents from Jamaica and your nextCity Council Member of the 45th District once I am elected by you on June 22, 2021. My advocacy started at the age of 12, as a student of I.S. 232 Winthrop Junior High School, when I helped to stop the rezoning of our school district. My advocacy continued as a student at Midwood High School and into college.

Why have I chosen to run for City Council? I Am Running For The People. We have been dealing with many of these issues for far too long, without any real solutions, services or resources from the city. Not just the last four years under Trump, but also under many of these politicians who are Democrats – just like us – but have sold us out for favors, titles, and self-interests. When Jumaane Williams, became our Public Advocate, the current council member was Elected to office during the 2019 Special Election with the help of almost 2,000 Republicans and Trump voters. We have seen a major decline in our quality of life, increase in Gun Violence, funds have been cut from critical services and community organizations, sanitation pickups have decreased, homelessness has increased, small businesses have shut down, many lost their jobs, and no real help came our way during Covid. During this pandemic, I have distributed over 45,000 masks, over 3,000 food boxes, 900 bottles of homemade hand sanitizers, 500 home-cooked meals for essential workers and have helped distribute over 160,000 hot meals. My team, “Team Beckford”, and I are still out here making sure that the basic needs of the district are met. After two weeks of battling Covid myself and losing my dear friend and campaign liaison, Ben Schaeffer to Covid, I dedicated myself even more to serving our community’s needs for us to get through this pandemic and for us to rebuild.
What will I do for the 45th District and NYC? I am committed to the people. I will be very active and on the frontlines with fellow community advocates and community-based organizations. In my first 90 days in office, I will introduce legislation to implement rent rollbacks for tenants, property tax rollbacks for small homeowners and a 10-year rent freeze. I will work with my colleagues to put a stop to the gentrification and displacement of our communities, stop racist rezonings and reform the ULURP Process. I will work with my colleagues to stop the building of 4 new jails in our communities that the current council member voted for and use the capital funding from that to build 100% affordable low-income housing, community centers, mental health service centers, repair our schools and to help fund NYCHA. I will fight for funding for our public hospitals, the billions of dollars the state owes our public schools and for the passing of the Small Business Job Survival Act to protect small businesses and workers. I will bring about enforcement of accountability measures of the NYPD to put a stop to racist bias policing, provide Free Childcare, Afterschool and Summer Programs for our youth and make sure that the community has access to my staff and myself at all times. I will work with my colleagues to provide hazard pay for workers and access to healthcare for all. I will introduce legislation to protect Women’s Rights, Civil Rights, Workers Rights, our Jobs and our Wildlife.
Endorsements: http://www.AnthonyBeckford.com/Endorsements
More about the campaign: www.AnthonyBeckford.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/AnthonyBeckford4CityCouncil
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Vote4Beckford
Instagram: http://instagram.com/AnthonyBeckford4CityCouncil
In Solidarity,
Anthony Beckford
Elected Kings County Democratic County Committee Member
Progressive Democratic City Council Candidate for District 45
Campaign Line: 347-729-9775
Personal Cell: 989-964-8713
Official Website: http://AnthonyBeckford.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/AnthonyBeckford4CityCouncil
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vote4Beckford
IG: http://instagram.com/AnthonyBeckford4CityCouncil
Donate: https://www.nycvotes.org/campaigns/anthonybeckford/contributions/new
Media: https://anthonybeckford.nationbuilder.com/media
Endorsed by:
– Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club
– Voters For Animal Rights
– New York Communities for Change (NYCC)
– Concerned Citizens For Change (chapter of NYPAN)
– League of Humane Voters – NY
– Future STEPS US
– Caribbean Unity Alliance
– Brooklyn Progressive Alliance
– Brooklyn Residents Against Gentrification
– NYC Against ICE
– District Leader Shaquana Boykin
– Chris Sosa; 5th Council District Candidate
– Sima Karetnaya; Director of the American Jewish Coalition and Certified Health Advisor with W.H.O
– Sami Disu; Adjunct Professor, CUNY & Social Justice Advocate, No IDC NY Organizer
– Jamell Henderson; CUNY Advocate and 4X Graduate
– Corrinne Greene; Bernie Sanders Delegate and Activist
– Amber Rivero; CUNY Advocate and Domestic Violence Advocate
– Sakia Fletcher; CUNY Advocate and Former Medgar Evers SGA President
– TS Candii; LGBTQ Advocate and Executive Director of Black Trans Nation
– Anthony J. Finkel; Small Business Advocate
– Joy Chowdhury; Labor Organizer and Former State Assembly Candidate
– Isiah James; Decorated Army Veteran and Former Congressional Candidate