OECS-Ministers to decide on a roadmap for this decade

OECS-ENVIRONMENT-Ministers to decide on a roadmap for this decade
OECS-ENVIRONMENT-Ministers to decide on a roadmap for this decade

OECS, CMC- The environment minister in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) will converge in Anguilla for their 10th meeting since adopting the revised Treaty of Basseterre.

The two-day meeting (July 12 – 13) will decide on the implementation of a proposed Council of Ministers for Environmental Sustainability (COM: ES) roadmap during the current decade as well as discuss issues of ocean governance, climate resilience, data management, and sustainable financing mechanisms.

They will also review relevant policy issues related to environmental sustainability, natural disasters, and Small Islands Development States (SIDS).

According to a release from the OECS Authority, all member states will be represented at the meeting. Ministers are also expected to talk with development partners and donor agencies on funding needs for sustainable development-related projects and programs in the region.

The Secretariat plans to host an Environmental Sustainability Exhibition to bring greater awareness to environmental sustainability and the OECS’s and its partners’ efforts in charting a sustainable future.

The exhibition will open on July 11 and showcase various displays, including Virtual Reality educational videos, informational spreads, educational posters, and banners on climate resilience, environmental management, and biodiversity and ecosystems management.

The opening ceremony of the 10th meeting of the OECS Environment Minister meeting will be addressed by Anguilla’s Premier, Dr. Ellis Webster.


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