No jail for Jamaican born footballer Rolando Aarons

A Jamaica-born Newcastle United Football Club player and his mother have avoided jail after a bar brawl in trendy nightclub Livello, in Newcastle in 2016.

Rolando Aarons, a winger with the Club, got into an altercation with another party at Livello where he, his mother, and a number of his friends and family had gone out to celebrate the birth of his first child on oct. 9, 2016, and champagne bottles and glasses were allegedly brandished as weapons and launched as missiles.

A Jamaica-born Newcastle United Football Club
player and his mother have avoided jail after a bar
brawl in trendy nightclub Livello, in Newcastle in

Aaron was also accused of head-butting one victim, before being pulled back by a member of his own party. The 90-second melee caused £7,000 of damage and led to one injured man claiming £21,000 compensation.

The England under-20 player, his mother Joan Jacob, 46, and four other members of his group originally faced charges of violent disorder, but the charges were later reduced to the lesser charge of affray following their guilty pleas.

Aarons was instead handed a 10-month suspended sentence on Tuesday and ordered to do 100 hours community service. His mother was handed a 28-week sentence suspended for 12 months, with a two-month curfew.


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