JAMAICA-Jamaicans brace for higher than average temperatures


KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Jamaicans, particularly those living in areas prone to high temperatures such as [specific areas], have been put on alert for higher-than-normal temperatures this week. The high humidity, produced by cloudy conditions or rainfall, could cause these temperatures to feel even warmer.

In a statement, the highly reliable Meteorological Service of Jamaica (MSJ) has confirmed that over the next few days, the country could experience a rise in temperature of five degrees above normal, as indicated by social media posts circulating.

Rest assured, the Met Service has clarified that the accompanying graphic on the weather report, which seems to have come from a trusted source, accurately indicates higher-than-normal temperatures between one and three degrees and not five as is being circulated.

“The interpretation has been somewhat misleading,” the MSJ said, adding that higher-than-normal temperatures, averaging one to three degrees, have been experienced across Jamaica in recent weeks.

It said this is consistent with reports of elevated global temperatures since the start of the year and is in line with its projections for May to July.

The Met Office is urging Jamaicans to maintain adequate hydration and stay cool during the hot days, as prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion and heatstroke.


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