JAMAICA-Authorities investigating an incident involving a national closed circuit television program


KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – The Jamaica government Sunday confirmed that a “cyber-incident” has affected access to the JamaicaEye website, even as it acknowledges that there is no compromise to video footage or evidence recorded by the cameras.

JamaicaEye launched in 2018, is the national closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance program that the authorities say plays a significant role in the police’s crime-fighting efforts and maintaining public order.

“Importantly, the website is not connected, in any way, to the central infrastructure of the surveillance system,” the Ministry of National Security said in a statement.

Under the CCTV program, citizens and business owners with cameras pointing in the public space have been able to input their feeds into the national system voluntarily.

There are five monitoring centers, with one control center at the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) headquarters and another established at the office of the Police Commissioner.

In the statement, the Ministry of National Security said, however, that it is unable to confirm if data related to persons registering to partner with JamaicaEye has been exfiltrated and that a team from the ministry, the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), and the Major Organised Crime & Anti-Corruption Agency are currently evaluating the extent of the breach and have commenced investigations.

It has promised to provide further updates on the situation.


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