GUYANA-US Congressman says, “I trust President Ali”


GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC- United States congressman Johnathan Jackson, who had robust engagements with several groups during his recent visit, has expressed confidence in the leadership of President Dr. Irfaan Ali.

In an interview shortly before departing on Tuesday, Jackson said that following his meetings with residents in East Bank Demerara and Georgetown sections, he plans to offer Ali his recommendations for possible programs and policies.

“I place my trust in the leadership of President Ali. I appreciate his openness in inviting me and encouraging me to engage with the opposition. I look forward to returning and providing him with my direct recommendations and thoughts,” the Congressman shared with the Guyana News Room.

Reflecting on his interactions, Jackson noted a shared aspiration among all stakeholders: a better Guyana for all. With this in mind, he is eager to contribute his perspectives and facilitate collaboration among local groups.

“I will be proposing some initiatives that I think could benefit the people of Guyana and his (President Ali’s) administration.”

The Congressman, the son of prominent US Civil Rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson, was invited by President Ali to visit Guyana for several days.

He participated in Guyana’s 58th Independence Anniversary celebrations and engaged the government and opposition.


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