CARIBBEAN-CDB and regional youth strengthen partnership for resilient prosperity in lead-up to the annual meeting


BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC—Young people from across the Caribbean will be empowered and equipped to drive positive change during the 2024 Youth for Innovation and Resilience (Youth FIRE) Programme, which culminates during The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Annual Meeting in Ottawa, Canada, from June 17 to 20.

The CDB’s Youth FIRE Programme, themed “Empowered Youth—Partners in Resilient Prosperity,” is tackling the challenges of Caribbean youth, such as high unemployment, crime, violence, and a lack of access to resources.

The multifaceted Programme—co-created by CDB’s Future Leaders Network (FLN), a dynamic group of young leaders and innovators from the Bank’s member countries—features immersive sessions, consultations, capacity building, and personal development opportunities, all aimed at fostering economic inclusion, promoting sustainable practices, and creating a more peaceful future for the region.

During the Youth FIRE Dialogue at CDB’s 54th Annual Meeting on June 19, youth will have an opportunity to discuss critical development issues such as economic empowerment, sustainable energy, crime prevention, and resilient infrastructure with stakeholders and counterparts from Canada and the Caribbean.

CDB Division chief social sector Dr Martin Baptiste emphasized that the Youth FIRE Programme fosters collaboration between the Bank and Caribbean Youth.

“This Programme is a prime example of CDB’s commitment to meaningful engagement with young people and our acknowledgment that youth must be provided the opportunity to contribute to and lead on actions that accelerate progress for resilient prosperity,” Baptiste said.


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