BAHAMAS-Opposition leader supports term limits for Prime Minister.

Michael Pintard
Michael Pintard

NASSAU, Bahamas, CMC – The leader of the main opposition, Free National Movement (FNM), Michael Pintard, says he supports the establishment of term limits for the office of Prime Minister.

Speaking on a local radio talk show on Wednesday, he said the FNM’s internal caucus must discuss fixed election dates.

However, he said he would support flexibility to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.

“I don’t believe it should be willy nilly that a prime minister determines any time of the year that he’s ready to go to election,” he said. “I think you need some predictability in the election system, so I’m not averse to it.”

He also said he would participate in leadership debates before the next general election.

While in opposition, the current Prime Minister, Philip “Brave” Davis, said he was prepared to debate then-Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis before the 2021 election.

However, Minnis never took up the challenge.

The University of The Bahamas partnered with Verizon Media Group to host a series of pre-election debates ahead of the last general election. All major parties participated except the Free National Movement.


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