ANTIGUA-Antigua offers to host the OAS general assembly in 2025

Antigua and Barbuda Ambassador to the OAS, Sir Ronald Sanders making the offer for St. John’s to host OAS General Assembly in 2025.
Antigua and Barbuda Ambassador to the OAS, Sir Ronald Sanders making the offer for St. John’s to host OAS General Assembly in 2025.

WASHINGTON, CMC – Antigua and Barbuda, having recently showcased its organizational prowess by successfully hosting the fourth international conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), is now extending its hospitality to the 55th regular session of the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly in June 2025.

The country’s ambassador to the OAS, Sir Ronald Sanders, on behalf of Prime Minister Gaston Browne, has extended a formal invitation, reaffirming Antigua and Barbuda’s unwavering commitment to the OAS and its foundational principles.

“We make this offer because Antigua and Barbuda deeply cherishes the Organization of American States and the foundational principles outlined in its Charter. We recognize the challenges to democracy and the rule of law in the Americas. These challenges would be far more daunting without our collective efforts within the OAS,” Sir Ronald said. Watch video

At the end of last month, the country hosted more than 5,000 delegates, including the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and heads of governments, at the fourth United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States.

“The success of hosting the UN conference and now inviting the OAS to come to Antigua and Barbuda underlines the pride of our people in promoting global dialogue and contributing to international cooperation.

“We believe that we offer not just a venue but a retreat conducive to thoughtful deliberation and visionary outcomes,” Sir Ronald told the OAS.

The invitation was supported by a brief video presentation showcasing Antigua and Barbuda’s welcoming atmosphere and the natural spirit of happiness that embodies the nation.

Sir Ronald called for the support of the OAS members, expressing confidence that the assembly would facilitate meaningful dialogue, inspire decisive action, and strengthen bonds among nations for the benefit of all, both large and small.

“We have confirmed our formal offer at this meeting and now seek your support. We eagerly anticipate hosting a vibrant assembly that will facilitate dialogue, inspire decisive action, and foster stronger bonds among our nations,” he added.

Download video – Sir Ronald Saunders


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