CUBA- St Kitts Nevis donates medical supplies to a hospital in Cuba


HAVANA, Cuba, CMC—The government of St. Kitts Nevis earlier this week delivered a donation of medical supplies worth some US$6,500 to Havana’s “América Arias” Gynecobstetric Hospital, a center specialized in the care of women in fertile stages, clinical and surgical gynecological services, and assisted reproduction treatments.

On the 29th anniversary of relations between the two nations, Verna Uwana Mills, the Ambassador of St. Kitts Nevis to Cuba, played a pivotal role in delivering a donation of medical supplies to the “América Arias “Gynecobstetric Hospital. This act of solidarity and friendship was made on behalf of the government and the people of her country. 

She also thanked the Cuban Ministries of Public Health and Foreign Affairs and their counterpart agencies in St. Kitts Nevis for facilitating the procurement and delivery of this aid. She reasserted that both countries will continue to work together to strengthen and consolidate their ties.

Dr. Dunia Rebeca Yi Mariño, the director of the receiving hospital, expressed her gratitude for the timely donation. She highlighted the challenging circumstances faced by Cuban health care, particularly due to the intensification of the blockade imposed by the United States, making this contribution all the more significant.


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