JAMAICA-PM announces minor Cabinet reshuffle

Prime Minister Andrew Holness

KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC -Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced a minor cabinet reshuffle that will take effect on Tuesday. The move is designed to “assist the Administration in more efficiently and effectively delivering its policies and programs for the Jamaican people.”

The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) announced in a statement that Information Minister Robert Morgan has been replaced by Dr Dana Morris Dixon, a highly qualified individual who also retains the portfolio responsibilities for skills and digital transformation. This appointment reflects the government’s commitment to bringing in capable leaders.

Morgan has been reassigned to the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation as responsible for the work.

Political observers said Morgan’s removal from the Ministry of Information was expected, given that he resigned as the ruling Jamaica Labour Party’s (JLP) public relations chairman last month.

Morgan replaced Everald Warmington, who resigned from Cabinet in February in the wake of his comments suggesting he would starve an elected opposition People’s National Party (PNP) councilor of public funds.

Former broadcast journalist Abka Fitz-Henley, appointed to the Senate in May 2023, has been named a parliamentary secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister.

“The Administration is steadfastly committed to fulfilling its 2020 mandate to transform Jamaica into a peaceful, productive, and prosperous nation,” the OPM statement noted as it announced the Cabinet changes. This commitment remains unwavering, and the Cabinet reshuffle is a testament to the government’s dedication to its mandate.


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